Thursday, July 15, 2010

Micro celeb

I have seen something about micro-celebrity on the website and I found its quite interesting as everyone on the planet who has access to the internet can become a micro celebrity which means,, I can be famous!! Hah haaa,, well..... lets see what is the real meaning of the term

What is Micro-Celebrity?

Micro celebrity is the phenomenon of being extremely well known not to millions but to a small group, a thousand people, or maybe only a few dozen. There are few better examples of commodity fetishism than celebrities: human subjects designed to be consumed as branded objects. Cam girls replicate many of the tropes of celebrity, yet because of their limited fan base and the many-to-many nature of the Web communication, they are better understood in terms of what I call micro-celebrity. Traditional celebrity relies on distance and separation from one's spectators, but as Justin Hall's famous quip, “In the future, everyone will be famous to fifteen people” indicates, micro-celebrity depends on closeness and accountability.

So I can be famous in the future !! REALLY ??!!,,, hah ha but,, I prefer to be a normal person who has a PEACEFUL life,,,, =P CHEERs

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