Thursday, July 15, 2010

Micro celeb

I have seen something about micro-celebrity on the website and I found its quite interesting as everyone on the planet who has access to the internet can become a micro celebrity which means,, I can be famous!! Hah haaa,, well..... lets see what is the real meaning of the term

What is Micro-Celebrity?

Micro celebrity is the phenomenon of being extremely well known not to millions but to a small group, a thousand people, or maybe only a few dozen. There are few better examples of commodity fetishism than celebrities: human subjects designed to be consumed as branded objects. Cam girls replicate many of the tropes of celebrity, yet because of their limited fan base and the many-to-many nature of the Web communication, they are better understood in terms of what I call micro-celebrity. Traditional celebrity relies on distance and separation from one's spectators, but as Justin Hall's famous quip, “In the future, everyone will be famous to fifteen people” indicates, micro-celebrity depends on closeness and accountability.

So I can be famous in the future !! REALLY ??!!,,, hah ha but,, I prefer to be a normal person who has a PEACEFUL life,,,, =P CHEERs

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Citizen journalism is an umbrella term which can include a variety of different definitions. Broadly speaking, citizen journalism is when citizen without special university education report information and provide video or photo coverage of current events. Common people have received this possibility because of the internet, since websites, blogs and new media allow publishing information without considering special authority. This means that information is unlikely to be restricted or censored by someone.

Citizen journalism has its pros and cons. First of all, it can make media environment more balanced, due to the fact that the official coverage of events can be criticised by any citizen journalist, as well as any official footage may be questioned by common people. To sum up, officials do not have their previous freedom of spoon-feeding any kind of information be it true or not without considering the consequences.

On the other hand, professional journalists highlight the fact that the information published by individuals lacks professional consideration, might be biased or covered not in a full way. As a consequence, the whole understanding of the event can be inappropriate owing to the unprofessional coverage and lack of arguments or research.

In my opinion, citizen journalism is an important trend in the contemporary society. For example, in 2007, 33 students in Virginia Tech, USA, were killed by a Korean student, Seung-Hui Cho, before committing suicide. While the journalist were unable to investigate the situation, one of the students named, Jamal Albarghouti who stayed close to the situation, had shoot video clip with his mobile phone before sending it to iReport. The clip does not have any video of the massacre itself because it was shooting outside of the building. However, the gunfire can be heard on the video and it can be estimated that the shootings occurred approximately 20 times, yet, these can easily be imagine an inhuman situation by the viewers. Consequently, after Jamal post the clip on iReport, it was repeatedly show on television around the world by CNN. This can be seen as a great contribution of citizen journalism that helps to provide news and information to the public from the place where the situation was occurs by the uses of the Internet. That’s what everyone can do in order to improve the world
and make PEACEs….. =))

Thursday, July 1, 2010

HEY GOD !!,,

GODDDD,, give SYDNEY some sunrise plzzzz,, its F*****g cold and i just cant wake up for study ,,, HAH haaaa,, BTW ,, thnks alot for BEER and SOCCER ,,,u r the MANN ,, CHEERS =))